Live Services

Service Schedule


Su​nday School


Sunday Morning Wo​rship

6:00 PM

Sunday Afternoon Se​rvice


Wednesday Night Prayer Service

What should I expect?

First, you should expect to be welcomed and feel welcome!

What about the preaching?

You can expect to hear biblical preaching intended to exalt the name of Jesus and glorify God.

What songs do we sing?

We strive to sing songs that are founded upon 3 primary tenants: emphasis on Scripture, ​exalt the name of Christ, communicate the gospel. The songs we sing should be ​transformative by conforming us to the image of Christ. Our worship music style is a blend of ​hymns of the faith that have been sung for many generations, in traditional format. We also ​frequently introduce new songs of our faith that are rooted in the gospel and are ​transformative as we engage in worship through singing.

What about my kids?

We have an amazing team of volunteers under the direction of our Children's Director ready to ​welcome your children into the nursery, Children's Church, and Sunday School.

Where do I park?

In a parking space, of course. :) Seriously, there's an entrance near every parking area.

What do I wear?

There is no dress code, but then again, no one likes to feel uncomfortably out of place. You'll ​see some in jeans, pants and polo, and shirt and tie. The main thing we want you to do, is ​come as you are!

How can I get connected?

Show up! You will find that our church family is very welcoming. By simply showing up, ​someone will connect with you.

Visitors Card! On the back of our church bulletins, you will find a Vistiors Card for you to ​complete. Place that in any offering plate, drop it by the church office, or simply give it to a ​staff member.

Contact Us

Address: 2230 Lees Chapel Rd Greensboro, NC 27405

Telephone: 336-375-5169



Church Office Hours

Monday: 8am – 2pm

Tuesday: 8am – 2pm

Wednesday: 8am – 2pm

Thursday: 8am – 2pm

Friday: Closed

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: See you at church!

What we beleive

The Scriptures - Our belief is rooted in the conviction that the Bible is the Word of ​God. We firmly hold that every Scripture was divinely inspired by God (II Tim. 3:16) ​and written by men who were guided by the Holy Spirit (II Peter 1:21).

The Bible, consisting of the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, is therefore ​infallible and serves as our ultimate authority in matters of faith and conduct.

Doctrine of God - We affirm our belief in the existence of one God, eternally ​existing in three distinct persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Father - We hold the belief in the perfection of God the Father, who is holy, ​infinitely wise, and possesses immeasurable power. We acknowledge that through ​Jesus Christ, He offers salvation from the power, penalty, and guilt of sin to all who ​seek Him. We rejoice in His merciful involvement in the affairs of humanity and His ​attentive response to the prayers of His children.

The Son - Our faith rests upon the deity of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of ​God. We affirm His miraculous birth as a virgin and His sinless life. We believe that ​His sacrificial death, marked by the shedding of His blood, provides atonement for ​sinners. Furthermore, we affirm His bodily resurrection, His ascension into heaven, ​and His ongoing intercession on behalf of His people.

The Holy Spirit - We acknowledge the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father, as the one ​who convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. The Holy Spirit ​regenerates, indwells, teaches, and comforts those who receive Jesus Christ.

Doctrine of Man - Our belief is founded on the understanding that man was ​created in the image of God. However, through sin, man incurred not only physical ​death but also spiritual death, which entails separation from God. We affirm that ​all human beings are sinners by both nature and choice.

Doctrine of Salvation - We firmly believe that Jesus Christ, in accordance with the ​Scriptures, died as a sacrificial offering for our sins. Salvation is a gift bestowed by ​God, and all who approach Jesus Christ with repentance and faith will receive ​eternal life.

Upon salvation, the individual is regenerated by the Holy Spirit, justified, adopted ​into the family of God, and eternally secure in their relationship with Him.

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